Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What would you consider to be distinctive features of US approaches to Essay

What would you consider to be distinctive features of US approaches to HRM, and what extent do you think these would be exportable to the rest of the world - Essay Example al nuisance, more so when the economy is not that encouraging boosting trade ties between stakeholders, different organizations and so on and so forth. The corporate strategy plays a significant role at building a bridge between the company’s inner policies and the undertakings it has with the various stakeholders, who could be from the human resources management settings. (Korzeniowski, 2001) Human resources management in a developing country like India is much different than it is in a developed nation – United States for example. The differences arise in the way works are done as well as the manner in which people are held accountable and answerable for their respective tasks and job natures. Conducting business within USA is also different because it has a distinct culture of its own. Its people speak different languages, adapt to a number of traditions and have family make-ups of a completely distinct proposition. (Enright, 2000) Human resources management in different venues of the world is a difficult yet interesting proposition. What might be hailed as a suitable entity in one location could be judged as a sheer loser in another country or business marketplace for that matter. Thus human resources management takes care of the social and cultural concepts of the place. Thus it is pertinent to note that different business markets of the world have differences in them nonetheless. A developing country has a developing market and the business which is widespread in its environs is something that has just started or remained within the realms of its exploration. On the other hand, a developed business environment – that of the US for instance, sustains growth and the profitability from the business standpoint is a part and parcel thing. Misunderstandings are an understood notion in a society such as of USA where people adhered to an agreed and applied culture but did not actually know the facets of the followed traditions and the cultural history. It was

Monday, October 28, 2019

Mom Is Most Influential in My Life Essay Example for Free

Mom Is Most Influential in My Life Essay People have had someone to influence them in their lifetime at some time or another, but my biggest influence in my life is my mom. I can’t but admire my mom’s strength and her wisdom. I am a strong believer in the saying â€Å"like father, â€Å"like son goes with both genders, however, I do think that this is more a result of following example rather than a result genetics. It is common knowledge that not everyone is perfect, even heroes, and in realizing this I know. Although I wish to be like my mom in most ways I do not at all. This realization may be one of the most important things I have learned, my mom has taught me to be firm in my decisions in life, not solely on the examples and actions of others but simply on what I gather and learn from the examples and actions of others. In other words, she has taught me not to follow blindly but to make my own decisions based on what I think is important. The things I have learned and continue to learn from my mom are continuous; she has taught me all of the founding principles of my life and for that I am very thankful. Read more:  Admiration speech essay My mom has an enormous influence on me because she always encourages me to do my best, taught me to be a survivor and finally mom influences me by is always helping needy. People have had someone to influence them in their lifetime at some time or another, but my biggest influence in my life is my mom. I can’t but admire my mom’s strength and her wisdom. I am a strong believer in the saying â€Å"like father, â€Å"like son goes with both genders, however, I do think that this is more a result of following example rather than a result genetics. It is common knowledge that not everyone is perfect, even heroes, and in realizing this I know. Although I wish to be like my mom in most ways I do not at all. This realization may be one of the most important things I have learned, my mom has taught me to be firm in my decisions in life, not solely on the examples and actions of others but simply on what I gather and learn from the examples and actions of others. In other words, she has taught me not to follow blindly but to make my own decisions based on what I think is important. The things I have learned and continue to learn from my mom are continuous; she has taught me all of the founding principles of my life and for that I am very thankful.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

American Needs a Medical School Application Loan Program Essay

American Needs a Medical School Application Loan Program For more than a year, a large part of my time has been spent applying to medical schools. I have dedicated much energy to prepare for and take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT), obtain multiple letters of recommendation from my professors, interview for a health professions committee letter of recommendation from my university, complete and submit the applications, and interview at various medical schools. Although this process proved to be a positive experience, the extraordinary cost of applying to medical schools poses a danger of limiting individuals with limited financial resources. Moreover, the lack of scholarship or loan programs to assist students with the application process further contributes to this danger. One of the first hurdles of applying to medical school is the MCAT. Although many students prepare for this exam on their own, a large portion of students choose to take preparatory classes offered by various private test preparation companies. These courses, which often cost in excess of $1000, teach students not only the basic concepts covered on the MCAT, but also helpful test-taking techniques unique to the MCAT. Thus, these preparatory classes may provide students with helpful advice and knowledge unavailable to those who cannot afford the classes. I attribute much of my success on the MCAT to these helpful hints; furthermore, many of my fellow pre-medical colleagues, who were unable to take the preparatory classes because of financial constraints, scored poorly on the exam. Hence, I believe MCAT preparation courses significantly increase one's probability of performing well on the MCAT, and, since these courses are out of reach for many... ...expenses should not impede a student's desire to apply to medical school and achieve his or her goal of becoming a physician. Although AMCAS and some medical schools have attempted to alleviate this problem by providing fee waivers or reductions, these efforts fall short of solving the problem of financial impedance to medical applicants. Many students from moderate income families cannot receive these fee waivers; moreover, their families cannot provide the $2000 to $3000 necessary to apply to medical school. Thus, I believe that the Department of Education, in conjunction with private loan companies, should provide low interest, medical school application loan programs. Through these loan programs, qualified students who lack necessary application funds, may rightfully apply to medical schools without facing the exuberant and potentially limiting application fees.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Henri Fayol Principals Essay

Principle 1: Division of work According to Fayol’s principle one of management, division of work, he proposed that â€Å"work can be performed more efficiently if it is divided into smaller elements and assigning specific elements to specific workers† (Rodrigues 2001, p. 880). Contrary to this principle, workers might get bored of doing the same task. For instance in a factory, work is divided into many parts where each of the worker is responsible for a specific task. Eventually these workers will be proficient in their job, where it will become a routine work. However, if they were to continue to perform the same routine task over a very long period of time, they might lose interest or become too complacent. They are not being challenged or made to encounter new or different situations during the job. Thus, this does not create opportunities for them to develop new skills. Employees need to be exposed to job opportunities so that they will be able to pick up new skills, and not just focusing on a specific task. If these employees are given the opportunity to develop new skills, it will give them a sense of importance and belonging in the organisation, and these new knowledge will inspire and motivate them to be more engaged and have a better understanding in their work. Every employees would seize it as an opportunity whenever they face challenges (McGregor & Harpaz, cited in Rodrigues 2011, p. 881). Therefore, organisation should come out with methods and tools that are able to increase the opportunities and challenges of the employees (Schmitt, Zacher & de Lange 2013, p. 516). To support this, employers can provide workshops and trainings for employees to broaden their skills and specializations. This will also open up the employees’ room for professional development. For example, Singapore Workforce Development Agency, WDA encourages employees, professionals, managers and executives to upgrade and build up on their skills through skills-based trainings (Singapore Workforce Development Agency 2012). Opportunities given to employees at work will allow them to learn and gain more skills and knowledge. In addition, this will also boost up their growth and confidence level in their work as they are empowered with multi responsibilities. In the presence of job enrichment, employees are able to deepen their job responsibilities and have control over their work (Dickie & Dickie 2011, p. 71). Job enrichment will benefit the organisation as it will reduce the number of absenteeism, turnover  intentions and social loafing while increase employees’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment and individual productivity (Davoudi 2013, p. 107). In other words, organisation should encourage and send their employees for skills upgrading to stretch their capabilities. In contrast to Fayol’s understanding that an employee doing one task will increase their efficiency, employee that have more than one skill will benefit the organisation as their knowledge has become greater than before. Another disadvantage to this principle in this 21st century context is the impact of technology whereby machines has taken over some but not all, specialised jobs (Rodrigues 2001, pp. 880-881). Back to the factory example; then people were hired to do manufacturing jobs such as assembling cars. Each worker was given a specific task to assemble a car, but now these tasks are carried out by robots, where they are able to do more than one task (John Markoff 2012). As a result these workers might lose their jobs. Thus this principle, to a certain extent, it may not be relevant today. There are still organisations who practice this principle, but with the fast moving technology and employees who are eager to learn, it might not apply to this day. ? The managers have the power to instruct their employees to perform work that they give. Thus in this principle, managers give their employee rights (authority) and let them be responsible to complete the task (responsibility) that is being delegated to them (Bushardt et al. 2010, p. 9). In this context, it shows that the manager’s role is authoritative, which makes the subordinates have to follow the manager’s instructions (Cheng 2004, p. 91). Managers must stay in mind that they must have a shared understanding with their employees when they assign the task to them (Miles, cited in Evans et al. 2013, p. 24). They must take in consideration not to misuse their authoritative power to the extent that their employees have no choice nor say when their managers delegate the task to them. When the manager and the employee have a common goal, it will open up opportunities for employees to share opinions and make decisions to accomplish the required task. This also allows the managers to understand their employees and get engaged with them. In support of this, managers need to be a good example to their employees so that they will feel inspired and motivated to reach their organisational goals. Hence, managers have to be a transformational leader by moving their team forward to inspire and motivate them (Warrick 2011, p. 12). Whenever someone thinks of a leader, he will associate them with acquiring power, influence and authority (Dickie & Dickie 2011, p. 83). One can have power and authority, but only a few are able to influence, inspire and motivate their employees. Fig 1.1 Leader behaviour continuum (Tannenbaum & Schmidt, cited in Dickie & Dickie 2011, p. 87) The two-dimensional model in fig 1.1 explains that managers’ role of authoritativeness and sub-ordinates empowerment has to be balanced between managers and the employees. Employees are able to participate in the decision making by voicing out their ideas to their managers. Managers can then make a decision based on this shared understanding (Tannenbaum & Schmidt 1973). Hence, employees are given the permission to complete the given task which was based on a clear and discussed understanding with the manager. In contrast of Fayol’s perspective, delegation of work to the employees should be tasked responsibly with a shared understanding. Thus, employees will feel that their role in the organisation is worthy and  trusted. References Davoudi, SMM 2013, ‘Impact: Job Enrichment in Organizational Citizenship Behaviour’, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, p. 107, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 21 November 2013. Dickie, L & Dickie, C 2011, Cornerstones of Management, 2nd edn, Tilde University Press, Australia, p. 71. Rodrigues, CA 2001, ‘Fayol’s 14 principles of management then and now: A framework for managing today’s organizations effectively’, Management Decision, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 880-889. Schmitt, A, Zacher, H & de Lange, AH 2013, ‘Focus on opportunities as a boundary condition of the relationship between job control and work engagement: A multi-sample, multi-method study’, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, vol. 22, no. 5, p. 516, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 17 December 2013. Singapore Workforce Development Agency 2012, About WDA, Singapore Workforce Development Agency, viewed 12 January 2014, . John Markoff 2012, Skilled Work, Without the Worker, New York Times, viewed 12 January 2014, . ? Principle 2: Authority and responsibility Bushardt, SC, Glascoff, DW, Doty, DH, Frank, M & Burke, F 2010, ‘Delegation, Authority and Responsibility: A reconfiguration of an old paradigm’, Advances in Management, vol. 3, no. 9, p. 9. Cheng, BS, Chou, LF, Wu, TY, Huang, MP & Farh, JL 2004, ‘Paternalistic leadership and subordinate responses: Establishing a leadership model in Chinese organizations’, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 91. Dickie, L & Dickie, C 2011, Cornerstones of Management, 2nd edn, Tilde University Press, Australia, p. 83. Dickie, L & Dickie, C 2011, Cornerstones of Management, 2nd edn, Tilde University Press, Australia, p. 87. Evans, WR, Haden, SSP, Clayton, RW & Novicevic, MM 2013, ‘History-of-management thought about social responsibility’, Journal of Management History, vol. 19, no. 1, p. 24. Tannenbaum, R & Schmidt, WH 1973, ‘How to choose a leadership pattern’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 51, no. 3, p. 164. Warrick, DD 2011, â₠¬ËœThe urgent need for skilled transformational leaders: integrating transformational leadership and organization development’, Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, vol. 8, no. 5, p. 12. ?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Assessing Materiality and Risk Simulation Essay

Certain accounts, such as cash, long term debt and short term borrowings, and intangibles, are audited 100% because they are very important to the audit process and/or industry, or simply because they are easily verifiable. Unlike auditing inventory, accounts receivable, accounts payable, capital assets; which can be time-consuming to audit fully, auditing 100% of cash or long term debt is fairly easy (e.g. by obtaining cash and debt confirmations from banks). â€Å"According to the financial accounting standards board, materiality symbolized the importance of something forgotten or a misstatement of an entry in an economic report that, the encircling assets make it believable that the awareness of a sensible individual depending on the facts would have been replaced, altered by the involvement or repair of an article† (Boynton, Johnson). All in all when an auditor create an agreeable materiality level that discover both the quantity (amount) and the (quality) nature of misstatements needed to be examined. The auditor will also with given time will assign materiality to everything that is sampled, this way no report is omitted or avoids a looked. Audit risk is the possibility of a material misstatement, remaining undetected even after the audit is completed and as a result the audit statement fails to provide true and fair view of the company financial statements. Of the three components of audit risk, only detection risk is a result of failure on the part of the auditor to notice a misstatement. As noted above, audit risk is a function of inherent risk, control risk and detection risk. Inherent risk and control risk make up the risk of material misstatement. RMM = IR x CR AR = RMM x DR If we assume that the auditor does not have impact on control risk (control risk is usually assessed as High, unless test of controls is performed) and no impact on inherent risk, the auditor needs to manipulate detection risk to reduce the level of audit risk. The higher the risk of material misstatement, the more thorough substantive procedures the auditor needs to apply to support the account balance.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Video Violence And Juveniles

Major Paper: Violent Video Games Influence on Juveniles In our great land of America, violence is all too common and often children are behind these dreadful acts. The most commonly asked question is who is to blame? There are many different explanations, but videogames seem to be an easy target. Although videogames have been proven to have some violent effects on youthful behavior, parents, religious groups, politicians, and especially the media are eager to point fingers, rather than to address the real problem. Much of the attention is directed around shooting games like Quake, Grand Theft Auto, and Doom. The object here is to use a weapon in order to injure your opponent. The player has access to guns, knives, or bombs depending on the particular game. Shooting games have been in the industry for a while, but the technological imagery of violence is causing a good deal of controversy (Newsmagazine, 2000). The injuries sustained are becoming remarkably realistic. The more horrific injuries include exploding bodies, dissembling limbs, and decapitation. Zimmerman 2 The realistic injuries may overshadow the other deviant acts that are carried out. The game has characters committing crimes like muggings on the street, drive by shootings, and car jacking. These images could provoke youth to commit a crime more than seeing a dissembled body. Violent games are among the most popular in the video game industry, and children are significant contributors playing the games (Cesarone, 1995). The games will only continue to be bigger, better, and bloodier because this is what the American pubic demands. What the people want, the video game industry should give. These games are intended for the adult public, not to adolescents. The industry issued voluntary warning label in 1994, but now all videos are required by law to issue a rating (Freedom Forum, 2001). Not the video industry, but the distributors should be the ones ... Free Essays on Video Violence And Juveniles Free Essays on Video Violence And Juveniles Major Paper: Violent Video Games Influence on Juveniles In our great land of America, violence is all too common and often children are behind these dreadful acts. The most commonly asked question is who is to blame? There are many different explanations, but videogames seem to be an easy target. Although videogames have been proven to have some violent effects on youthful behavior, parents, religious groups, politicians, and especially the media are eager to point fingers, rather than to address the real problem. Much of the attention is directed around shooting games like Quake, Grand Theft Auto, and Doom. The object here is to use a weapon in order to injure your opponent. The player has access to guns, knives, or bombs depending on the particular game. Shooting games have been in the industry for a while, but the technological imagery of violence is causing a good deal of controversy (Newsmagazine, 2000). The injuries sustained are becoming remarkably realistic. The more horrific injuries include exploding bodies, dissembling limbs, and decapitation. Zimmerman 2 The realistic injuries may overshadow the other deviant acts that are carried out. The game has characters committing crimes like muggings on the street, drive by shootings, and car jacking. These images could provoke youth to commit a crime more than seeing a dissembled body. Violent games are among the most popular in the video game industry, and children are significant contributors playing the games (Cesarone, 1995). The games will only continue to be bigger, better, and bloodier because this is what the American pubic demands. What the people want, the video game industry should give. These games are intended for the adult public, not to adolescents. The industry issued voluntary warning label in 1994, but now all videos are required by law to issue a rating (Freedom Forum, 2001). Not the video industry, but the distributors should be the ones ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

British Airways functional areas Essay Example

British Airways functional areas Essay Example British Airways functional areas Essay British Airways functional areas Essay British Airways have many departments and functional areas. These also include Marketing, Finance and Community Relations. Marketing, Finance and Community Relations all co-operate with each other in different ways (mentioned in 2C).  The effectiveness of Marketing co-operating with Finance is generally good as the Marketing Department need to be able to advertise as much as they can to ensure the members of public use their airline and through finance they can use money to a certain extent which will help them to be known. Marketing needs to also report back to Finance according to research on what prices they should set their tickets. This is good as it is showing teamwork between the two departments and they are working together to achieve success for the company. The effectiveness of Marketing co-operating with Community Relations is also good as by finding out what the customers want by carrying out different types of research goes to show that the people who work for British Airways care about what the members of the public need.  The effectiveness of Finance co-operating with Marketing is good because it shows teamwork and good decision making. The finance department gives the marketing department a reasonable budget on how much they can spend on advertising and other things such as research etc. The effectiveness of Finance co-operating with Community Relations is excellent as it really shows concern for the poor and the needy. If the staff members decide to fly out to help with any charity or programme, the finance department help by funding money to them which covers the cost of flight, accommodation, food and drink etc.  The effectiveness of Community Relations co-operating with Marketing is very efficient as it helps them to be known worldwide. As Community Relations do works for the poor and needy, they inform the Marketing Department about their wonderful acts. This then allows the Marketing Department to advertise which will then bring customers to fly with British Airways. The effectiveness of Community Relations co-operating with Finance is good because just in case the community relations need some money or funds to contribute to the society, they can turn towards the finance department and then they can help them with anything that needs to be given for a good cause.  Changes that I think should personally be made are for the Finance department to be careful as to who and which department they lend money to. This is because their main aim as being a big company is to make a profit and not using their money wisely may prevent them making a profit as so much money will be gone out to departments and other things to do with the business. This is my only suggestion otherwise British Airways is running well and they just need to keep up their excellent service and continue doing a good job for the members of the public giving them everything they need. How effectively does British Airways functional areas co-operate with each other.  Criterion 2A  It is good for departments to co-operate with each other as it makes things easier for people as more things will be done and will be more clear understandings. It is also good to co-operate with each other as more things gets done and speeds up the process of work rate such as decision making. It shows teamwork and when working for a big company teamwork and teamwork is required for success. British Airways have many departments and functional areas. These also include Marketing, Finance and Community Relations. Marketing, Finance and Community Relations all co-operate with each other in different ways (mentioned in 2C).  The effectiveness of Marketing co-operating with Finance is generally good as the Marketing Department need to be able to advertise as much as they can to ensure the members of public use their airline and through finance they can use money to a certain extent which will help them to be known. Marketing needs to also report back to Finance according to research on what prices they should set their tickets. This is good as it is showing teamwork between the two departments and they are working together to achieve success for the company. The effectiveness of Marketing co-operating with Community Relations is also good as by finding out what the customers want by carrying out different types of research goes to show that the people who work for British Airways care about what the members of the public need.  The effectiveness of Finance co-operating with Marketing is good because it shows teamwork and good decision making. The finance department gives the marketing department a reasonable budget on how much they can spend on advertising and other things such as research etc. The effectiveness of Finance co-operating with Community Relations is excellent as it really shows concern for the poor and the needy. If the staff members decide to fly out to help with any charity or programme, the finance department help by funding money to them which covers the cost of flight, accommodation, food and drink etc.  The effectiveness of Community Relations co-operating with Marketing is very efficient as it helps them to be known worldwide. As Community Relations do works for the poor and needy, they inform the Marketing Department about their wonderful acts. This then allows the Marketing Department to advertise which will then bring customers to fly with British Airways. The effectiveness of Community Relations co-operating with Finance is good because just in case the community relations need some money or funds to contribute to the society, they can turn towards the finance department and then they can help them with anything that needs to be given for a good cause.  Changes that I think should personally be made are for the Finance department to be careful as to who and which department they lend money to. This is because their main aim as being a big company is to make a profit and not using their money wisely may prevent them making a profit as so much money will be gone out to departments and other things to do with the business. This is my only suggestion otherwise British Airways is running well and they just need to keep up their excellent service and continue doing a good job for the members of the public giving them everything they need.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Bull and Cow and Other Bovine Terms

Bull and Cow and Other Bovine Terms Bull and Cow and Other Bovine Terms Bull and Cow and Other Bovine Terms By Mark Nichol The noun (and adjective) bovine, from the Latin term bos by way of the French word bovin, is the scientific word for cattle and related animals; it is one of several words in various languages that is cognate with cow, as both words apparently stem from a proto-Indo-European word imitative of mooing. (In allusion to the unintelligent, slow-moving characteristics of cattle, it is also applied to slow, stupid human behavior.) From bovine we also get beef (from Old French buef), which usually refers in general usage to the meat of cattle used as food, but it also applies to adult cattle; the plural beefs has overtaken the original beeves. Use of the word beef has extended to the idea of â€Å"complaint† (perhaps based on the griping of military personnel about their beef rations) and to the notions of brawniness (the adjective beefy) and adding strength (the idiom â€Å"beefing up†). Beefsteak refers to a particular cut of beef, and Beefeater is another designation for the Yeoman Warders, traditional guards of the Tower of London, which originated as a nickname alluding to the rations of beef and beef broth they consumed. Bull, from the Old English word bula, refers to male specimens of cattle (especially those not deprived of reproductive capability) and other large mammals. A bullock is a young or castrated bull. By extension, bull describes a brawny man (and was slang for a police officer) or a person who buys stocks because he or she expects the price to rise or hopes for a rise to occur; to bull is to act forcefully or violently, and the word is the first element of a compound referring obliquely to excrement and describing speech that is boastful, foolish, or misleading. Cattle itself is ultimately from the Medieval Latin noun capitale, meaning â€Å"property† or â€Å"stock,† by way of the Old French term chattel; it is cognate with capital in the sense of â€Å"assets† or â€Å"stock† and with chattel, meaning â€Å"property.† Cow, which technically describes adult females of various large animal species, including cattle, but is used popularly to refer to cattle of either gender, stems from Old English but, as mentioned earlier, is cognate with a variety of words from other languages that pertain to cattle. Ox (the word is from the Old English oxa) refers to male cattle bred as work animals (usually draft animals, meaning that they pull wagons or other vehicles) rather than as a source of beef; the plural is oxen. A steer is a young bull or ox, though in American English usage it designates any male beef cattle; the word comes from the Old English term steor, meaning â€Å"bull.† Two other terms associated with cattle are calf (plural calves), from the Old English word cealf, meaning â€Å"young cow† (of either gender), and heifer, from the Old English word heahfore, which refers to a young (female) cow, especially one that has not yet borne a calf. The verb calve refers not only to giving birth to a calf but also, by extension, to the separation of a small piece of ice from a glacier or other mass. (Calf, in the sense of the fleshy part of the lower leg, may be a distant relative.) The slang term dogie, used by cowboys but of unknown origin, refers to an orphaned calf. Speaking of cowboys, the word cowboy, as well as cowhand, cowherd, cowpoke, and cowpuncher (the latter two words derived from the notion of prodding cattle), refers to one who tends cattle. The idea of cowboys as spirited (perhaps inspired by the behavior of cowboy characters in western films and television programs) gave rise in the late twentieth century to the use of cowboy to denote aggression or recklessness. Cowman generally describes a cattle rancher rather than those he employs. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial ExpressionsDawned vs. Donned50 Musical Terms Used in Nonmusical Senses

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Accounting Problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Accounting Problems - Essay Example a) A project with a beta of 1.3 requires a return greater than 16.5% in order to add value b) The slope of the SML can be calculated by referring to any two points on the SML, for example the points representing Assets 1 and 2. Slope is equal to difference in return divided by difference in beta (.175 - .125)/(1.5 - .05). c) If Asset 2 has an IRR greater than15% then it should be accepted (according to the SML and the firm objective of maximizing value. d) All projects plotting on the SML have an NPV of zero Question 10 E(R) = Rf +ÃŽ ²*(Rm –Rf) E(R) = 0.03 +1.2*(0.04) Risk adjusted rate of return= 7.80% Question 11 Correct statements a) Positive NPV assets plot above the line and are considered to be underpriced b) The risk-free asset has a beta of zero and the market portfolio has a beta of one c) In equilibrium all financial assets will plot on the SML line and have an NPV of zero. d) All assets, securities and portfolios which plot on the SML are efficient. Question 13 True , because the portfolio is less risky

Friday, October 18, 2019

Colonial Latin American History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Colonial Latin American History - Essay Example Gender and family of the Andean nun I have the notion that the society in this colony is having a big change in the direction of the gender and family ties. The Spanish America is experiencing the change in the way nuns try to empower themselves as they were presenting themselves as the brides of Christ in the community. I see that they take the scene with the dowries, which is then pooled together and managed by salaried men. This act was instigated by the colonial administration of the government where the promotion of Catholicism created a safety haven for the orphans and single mothers. Marriage is permitted, tied by the destinies of the two involved individuals, which is contrary to their own cultures. The government has mandated the instigation of the catholic religion to the population. Despite the introduced religion, stipulate the marriage system be done under the influence of consent from the involved parties the families of the elite were made in the fashion of arranged marriages. Initially the societies in the region were more compact and observant of to the ideas and norms the cultures they had presented. The case of the Andean nun is more specific as many in the convents went to escape the atrocities that came with marriage. The native race being wiped out by the fornication and interracial relations created the new races in the Latin America. Being a member of the Spanish troops, it was clear to view of plight of the woman in the Andes came as derogatory and nerve wrecking. The way the husbands treated, the so-called wives made the women run for the convent to escape the humiliation. They resulted into the comfort of the convents where they devoted their lives to religion. As the elite focused on retaining the wealth in their circles, arranged marriages made the women want to feel as independent people instead of a person’s property (Bethell, 1995). This was instrumental in the shaping of the family ties in a different perspective. The core of the marital denotation of the elite colonial society entailed a sex/gender structure of honor therefore meaning not only to distinguish women from men but also to divide people by class.   The colonial elite were notable amid people who had honor, gentle decent, and people who did not show lack of latency.   Therefore, when a woman opted or accepted a connection of prostitution, she lost her reputation and reinforced her lower-class standing.   The society here was of the dual standard embedded in this masculinity structure, as the upper-class men would not recede their honor when they had mistresses of a lower class or race, simply if they married them. This was infuriating to some of the Andean women who opted to revolt in their own way. The convent was a good way to escape the chauvinist world and get a good life in the convents. Caste/class/race Another aspect of change I experienced in the society that experienced change was the paradigms in the class, social order and the race. The colonial governmen t the Mexico was very strict in the depiction of class and racial status. The laws were stringent to the miscegenation but the society was not

Four Aspects of a Community College President Research Paper

Four Aspects of a Community College President - Research Paper Example Such responsibilities become even more important when considering the fact that the personality traits to complete the jobs are far and few between (Dearlove, 1997). Community college Presidents require the ability to communicate enthusiastically and energetically the role of the college to internal/external constituencies to achieve a sense of common purpose. Moreover, they must possess the ability to provide for the common purpose of the students, teachers, and community at large. Additionally, Presidents require the ability to provide for the fostering of excellence in all college offerings through enthusiasm, vision and innovation. The President must also demonstrate the capacity to assume a leadership role in involving the college in the economic growth of the community. This means that the President must have a commitment to keep the college technologically up to date while expressing a level of sensitivity to the unique needs of faculty, staff and students. In this paper I wil l focus on 4 primary tasks for the President: 1. The CEO Contracts and Performance Evaluations 2. Institutional Advancements 3. Politics and Media (Damage Control) 4. Institutional Governance The President of a community college must function as a CEO and provide regular evaluations of the faculty and other individuals that help make up the organization. In fact, the Community College's mission statement cannot be realized without a competent, motivated, and efficient workforce. The performance evaluation is a necessary component to any performance management and professional development program for employees. Performance evaluations are intended to support skill building of each employee and to encourage an efficient and effective operation (Brubacher, 1982). They are extremely important not only for identifying weak links within an organizational structure, but also for identifying the strong points that are responsible for much success. Meaning that performance evaluations will n ot only show individuals how to improve where their staff is lacking, but also it can indicate where an organization is succeeding. In fact, performance evaluations are created for 3 primary reasons. The first is that it measures the extent to which the employee's performance meets the requirements of the position. It is the opportunity to appraise past performance by recognizing and supporting good performance and identifying areas that might require improvement. The second purpose of performance evaluations are to establish goals for the future. This is important because it allows institutions to identify a method through which they can advance their human resources and consequentially the organization as a collective institution. The third and final objective of the performance evaluations is to strengthen the relationship between the supervisor and the employee. This is done so by opening channels of communication and creating opportunities to assess the employee, the position a nd plan for the future of the departmental human resources (Brubacher, 1982). These goals are best accomplished through interactive review of the position description, identifying opportunities for performance growth and focusing on enhancement of all areas of performance. While there are many professors at a single community college, most Presidents do not personally interview each professor, instead they select department heads who are in control of each of their departments. Beyond the presidents specific roles,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Employment Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Employment Law - Essay Example Summary Based on the information availed from this organization we get to know that the employer does not have a plan to deal with employees with different conditions. As a result, the employer must implement certain recommendations in line with organizational policy and management. One of the requirements that should be implemented is that the employee with AIDS should be recognized as disabled. Since according to the ADA act, disability cases are assessed on a case to case basis and this should include the employee suffering from AIDS. As a recommendation the employee suffering from AIDS should be accommodated according to the provisions of the ADA act (Goren, 2010). Moreover, the employer should identify with its employees that discrimination is not allowed within the workplace. As a result, the employer in this case should adhere to the provisions of the ADA and not to conduct HIV/AIDS testing at the workplace currently or in the future. In the process of preventing job disruptio n, the employer should come up with a strict adherence policy that allows all co-workers to work together irrespective of their medical condition (Goren, 2010). Apart from these recommendations, the employer in this case should come up with organizational policies that are meant to deal with these issues. One of the policy implementation points is to come up with a policy that allows for hiring of all kinds of employees and implementation of the ADA act. The employer should also implement a policy that allows all employees to learn all laws and policies that deal with workplace employment. This would assist the company to implement policies concerning disability within the company. Moreover, the company should come with a policy whereby co-workers are empowered with education concerning illnesses and disabilities. This policy will enable company employees to understand various issues concerning disabilities and make them more tolerant in interacting with either ill or disable patien ts (Blanck, 2009). The implementation of a non-discrimination policy for employees will assist in boosting the work and make it easy for supervisors to work with other employees. A non-discrimination policy will also greatly assist employees and the employer in respecting the rights of all workers in the wider scheme of implementing equal right as envisaged in different laws and regulations. The best plan to deal with these issues that have arisen in the workplace is to make use of employee training. The training plan will look into ways of ensuring scientific information is disseminated in the office and employees do not necessarily stigmatize other workers. The training plan will focus of risk assessment at the office and how to control exposure unto other employees in the company (Goren, 2010). Moreover, training should be provided on how to handle employees with AIDS in terms of work assignments and proper working conditions. Most AIDS afflicted individuals suffer greatly from s tigma and thus training will create an easy atmosphere of acceptance and work continuation (Blanck, 2009). Above all the training program is supposed to assure AIDS afflicted employees are guaranteed of work continuation and rights like all other employees. Training of employees on the risks, facts and information concerning AIDS gives a better

Days of Heaven by Terrence Malick Research Paper

Days of Heaven by Terrence Malick - Research Paper Example Bill, Abby and Linda works at the same farm. The farmer who was the owner of the farm was a wealthy guy. The farmer somehow falls in love with Abby. At the same time it comes to the knowledge of the farmer that he is dying off some unidentified disease. When Bill gets to know about it, he designs a plan and try to convince Abby to marry the farmer. Bill wanted Abby to marry the dying farmer so that when he is dead they both can have his inherited money (French). Bill convinces Abby and after they both get married, Bill stays at the farm being Abby’s brother. The farmer’s foreman suspected the scheme. At the same time, the farmer is also able to resist the disease and stayed healthy. This ruins Bill’s plan. The farmer also gets to know about Bill’s and Abby relationship. On the other hand, Abby starts loving her new husband. The farmer tries to kill Bill but instead Bill kills him and escapes with Abby and Linda. Police eventually finds Bill and kills him. The music in the film is thoughtful and is filled with regret and loss. The musical mode in the film is like that of ‘The Godfather’, but is not very strong and remembered. This shows that Malick wanted to reflect a sad psychological connection of the characters with music. This has helped in determining the mental conditions of the character throughout the film (Schager). ‘Good days of heaven’ was not very well received by critics. The film, however, won an Academy Award for best cinematography. Regardless of the unfavorable critics, it is one of the most acclaimed films.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Employment Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Employment Law - Essay Example Summary Based on the information availed from this organization we get to know that the employer does not have a plan to deal with employees with different conditions. As a result, the employer must implement certain recommendations in line with organizational policy and management. One of the requirements that should be implemented is that the employee with AIDS should be recognized as disabled. Since according to the ADA act, disability cases are assessed on a case to case basis and this should include the employee suffering from AIDS. As a recommendation the employee suffering from AIDS should be accommodated according to the provisions of the ADA act (Goren, 2010). Moreover, the employer should identify with its employees that discrimination is not allowed within the workplace. As a result, the employer in this case should adhere to the provisions of the ADA and not to conduct HIV/AIDS testing at the workplace currently or in the future. In the process of preventing job disruptio n, the employer should come up with a strict adherence policy that allows all co-workers to work together irrespective of their medical condition (Goren, 2010). Apart from these recommendations, the employer in this case should come up with organizational policies that are meant to deal with these issues. One of the policy implementation points is to come up with a policy that allows for hiring of all kinds of employees and implementation of the ADA act. The employer should also implement a policy that allows all employees to learn all laws and policies that deal with workplace employment. This would assist the company to implement policies concerning disability within the company. Moreover, the company should come with a policy whereby co-workers are empowered with education concerning illnesses and disabilities. This policy will enable company employees to understand various issues concerning disabilities and make them more tolerant in interacting with either ill or disable patien ts (Blanck, 2009). The implementation of a non-discrimination policy for employees will assist in boosting the work and make it easy for supervisors to work with other employees. A non-discrimination policy will also greatly assist employees and the employer in respecting the rights of all workers in the wider scheme of implementing equal right as envisaged in different laws and regulations. The best plan to deal with these issues that have arisen in the workplace is to make use of employee training. The training plan will look into ways of ensuring scientific information is disseminated in the office and employees do not necessarily stigmatize other workers. The training plan will focus of risk assessment at the office and how to control exposure unto other employees in the company (Goren, 2010). Moreover, training should be provided on how to handle employees with AIDS in terms of work assignments and proper working conditions. Most AIDS afflicted individuals suffer greatly from s tigma and thus training will create an easy atmosphere of acceptance and work continuation (Blanck, 2009). Above all the training program is supposed to assure AIDS afflicted employees are guaranteed of work continuation and rights like all other employees. Training of employees on the risks, facts and information concerning AIDS gives a better

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

HIM 330 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HIM 330 - Essay Example necessary for requirements elicitation, based on the above stated problem, and finally, the paper will give an example of catastrophic software failure resulting from bad feasibility study. The different aspects of feasibility studies to be looked at include schedule feasibility, economic feasibility, technical feasibility and operational feasibility. Operational feasibility will be conducted by looking at whether the users like the new system, whether the users have to be trained first, whether users will be demanded to have some new ways of operating and whether customers will be comfortable with the new systems. If training will be required, it is important for the company to evaluate its cost, so that it does not become a huge economic burden. If the system will assure patients of security and privacy of their medical records, then it will be feasible. Therefore, each of these has to be evaluated. As far as the technical feasibility is concerned, the company has to evaluate whether it has enough network, software and hardware resources to establish the system. Apart from having these resources, it also has to see whether it has the necessary technical expertise. The functionality, performance and environmental consequences of the available resources also have to be evaluated. If the company will find it hard to get all these requirements, then it may not be feasible for it to go ahead with the setting up of the system. If the resources will not work well with the existing systems or if they will have environmental effects, then the project may not be feasible. Under economic feasibility, the company will be required to estimate consultation expenses, the cost of facility and the estimated cost of not putting in place the system so as to weigh whether the cost of developing it is higher than that of not developing it. If it can reduce the labor cost, then it is feasible. Last, as far as schedule feasibility, the company has to determine whether there are

Sport benifits Essay Example for Free

Sport benifits Essay Benefits Of Sports Improving A Stable Lifestyle And Teamwork Ability There are tons of people that say sports are good for you. Some might even get tired of hearing all the advantages of sports from different people touting the benefits on tv. Whether its from an athlete, a physician, or an ordinary individual, the benefits of sports cannot be denied. Lets explore each sports benefits and see how they affect our lives and how they give a better lifestyle for those who do regular sports activity. One of the obvious benefits of sports would be the health benefits. Its a fact that sports are the best methods in losing and maintaining weight. Performing exercise with sports help you burn than excess fat and calories in your body that in return makes you healthier. Although modern technology and methods allow artificial ways to remove fat such as liposuction and other medical procedures. These artificial ways cannot improve and strengthen vital organs of the body like how sport activities do. One of the specific system of the body that receives the greatest benefit would be your cardiovascular system which includes the heart. You muscles will also gain benefits as it becomes more developed thus making you stronger with more power and force. Lungs too will also gain benefits as your respiratory system gets stronger thus allows you to breath in thinner air. All of these things indeed make your body healthier thus should extend your life pass the average age. Theres no doubt about the health benefits of sports even if your ask an ordinary guy about it. Preventing various diseases is one of the best benefits of sports. Living healthy wards off diseases that are truly costly from medication to actual treatments and surgeries. To do so, start involving yourself in various sport activities whether its indoors or outdoors. Another benefits of sports is how various sport activities improve your being as a whole. Sports build up character in a way that is specifically unique to playing or doing a sport activity. Sports enhance your decision making abilities that might help in real life. Sports help you build patience and control even through extreme pressures. There are so many values that sports can teach an individual such as perseverance, honesty, obedience, and so many others. All of these are enhanced as one involves themselves in sports specially when the activity involves other people. Lastly, benefits of sports also include how these activities help you get socialized with people. You can say that sports are also good for the soul. Many can gain friends by involving themselves in sport activities that involves other people. There are many group sports to mention such as: marathons, baseball, soccer, and others. Even just watching sports on television along with friends is enough to get you socializing with other people which is good for you. No matter how you look at sports, advantages of sports will never be denied and will continue to play an important role in everyones life.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Social Problem Of Racism Sociology Essay

The Social Problem Of Racism Sociology Essay Day by day, the occurrence of social problems seems to increase rapidly. Social problems are issues or problems that may affect the people in a society, no matter it is directly or indirectly, and social problems are mainly related to moral values. Some of the major social problems that often occur in todays world are drug abuse, crime, bullying, rape, kidnap, poverty, illegal migration, unemployment, truancy, obesity, gay marriage, racism, discrimination, abortion, family issues, marginalization, HIV, pollution, pre-marital sex, sex slavery prostitution, child pornography and many more. The main social problem that will be discussed in this social psychology assignment will be focused on racism and also about the Africans being the target of racism, which had actually happened in Australia lately in the month of March to April, year 2010. Racism, according to the Cambridge dictionary, is defined as the belief that peoples qualities are influenced by their race and that the members of other races are not as good as the members of your own, which results in other races being treated unfairly (Cambridge International Dictionary of English. [1889]-1894). Racism happens every day around the world regardless of any countries, even in Malaysia. Racism is a very sensitive issue as it discriminates and offends people of a certain race. Racism brings bad consequences as for it may result in causing racial destruction and disharmony among the people living in a particular country. Plus, racism also causes conflict and war, take the tragedy that happened on the 13th of May during the year 1969 in Malaysia for example. The problem caused is mainly due to racial politics, which is also related to racism. During an election on 1969, the Alliance tell off confidently that it would win more than two thirds of the 144 seats in the Dewa n Rakyat or about two thirds of the 104 Peninsular Malaysia seats, take over Kelantan, and take control of all the other states. When the results were out, the Alliance had won only 66 seats, down from the 89 it won in 1964. Alliance also lost Penang, failed to take over Kelantan, and almost lose Perak, Selangor, Kedah and Terengganu. Even the Opposition was very surprised with the outcome, too. The Opposition supporters, especially the Chinese and Indians who had voted for the DAP and Gerakan were proud and joyful. They celebrated their victories by marching through Kuala Lumpur and shouted insulting and offending epithets at Malays, such as, Melayu balik kampung, kita sudah berkuasa skarang (Malays, return to your villages, we are now in power) and Hei Sakai bolih balik ke hutan (Hey Sakai, you can return to the jungle).and also showed vulgar gestures at the Malay women. Street clashes then broke out between the Malays with Chinese and Indian youths. Even parang which is a type o f big straight knife used in Malaysia and indonesia, sticks and iron pipes were used. Many lives were sacrificed on that day itself just because of a group of racist doing unnecessary acts. ( Speaking of racism, the Africans living in Australia had, unfortunately, became the target of racism in the form of harassment by the Australian policemen. The police picked me up, they put me in the back of the car. Then they took me to (locality withheld) and beat me up, and they left me there a young African background said in a new study into the treatment of youths of African background by Australian police in Melbourne. It is shocking to know and realize the fact that young African-Australians in the country are overruled by Australian policemen. Whats worst and unfortunate is that the police harassment that were happening all the while is either not reported or insufficient investigates by the relevant oversight bodies, and those irresponsible and racist policemen often resort to hostility and aggression when young people assert their rights. Most of them had been experiencing terrible and often violent experiences with the Victoria state police officers which include harassme nt, racist comments and serious assaults. Other than that, one of the interviewee has reported being racially abused, bullied, spat on and slapped by the policemen before being taken to a police station where he was beaten up for about ten minutes. Right after the youth is being released at the back door of the police station, the youth re-entered the building once again at the front entrance, telling the officer who was on duty that time that he wanted to lodge a report and also make a complaint. According to the youth, the officer then called one of the policemen who had beaten the youth up. Instead another policeman went in and warned him that if the youth doesnt get out of the police station at that very instance, he would pull him back in and beat him up again. Helplessly and disappointedly, the youth left the police station without a word ( Racism mainly happens due to the stubbornness and ignorance of a certain group of people from all races, be it Australians, Malays, Chinese, Indians, Africans and others. Those people who are racist most probably are feeling self-superior. They wanted to glorify their own races so badly that they discriminate and disrespect people of other races, in other words they are trying to bring down other races pride and image to feel satisfied and proud of their own races, which is related to the theory of aggression an intentional behavior aimed at doing harm or causing pain to another person (Social Psychology Sixth Edition,2005). Hence, that is how racism occurs. In fact, most people also believe that racism is developed through one or two outcomes. It is either that some of the people were raised that way, or on the other case is that there may be someone from a different race did something really unpleasant hateful to a particular person of another race and the latter in turn take it o ut on all people of that particular race where the former belongs. In order to overcome racism, one should judge other people by their actions, not by the color of their skin. Within all races, there are sure to have those people who would have bad intentions, steal from others or try to dominate others. Instead of seeing these people as part of a group based upon race, one should see and judge them as individuals with problems on their own. Besides that, one also has to be brave to speak up when others make insulting jokes and statements regarding racism towards others. By letting people around a particular person know that he or she do not agree to racist thoughts, he or she is actually giving the people permission to think for themselves, if it is possible, one can also explain why its wrong to judge people by their race without getting boiled up. Along the way, he or she should also help those people who are victimized by prejudice. If one came across an incident where someone is targeted by the color of his or her skin, he or she should take th e initiative to confront those who are practicing racism and point out the error and consequences of their thoughts. Lastly, which is also most importantly, one must live his or her life as if he or she were born to be colorblind. One can do that by looking past ones skin and into ones heart. By all people doing so, everyone would not have racist thoughts and hence avoiding the occurrence of racism. That will also produce a healthier and peaceful environment for the younger generations as because they learn through what they see from the actions and thoughts of the elder generations. ( ) As a conclusion, racism is a negative issue that brings bad consequences to all people around the world. The theory that can be related to racism will be prejudice, which is a hostile or negative attitude toward a distinguishable group of people, based solely on their membership in that group (Social Psychology Sixth Edition,2005). Racism is exactly about being prejudice. Being racist is equivalent to being unfair, rude, unpleasant, impolite, irresponsible, disrespectful and ignorant. Because of racism, many people had sacrificed their lives during the past. Some countries even had civil wars. Therefore, to avoid those unpleasant things from happening again and to avoid repeating the same old mistakes the older generations had done, racist thoughts in peoples minds should be avoided and stopped immediately, especially the people living in Malaysia, which consists of different races Malays, Chinese, Indians and others. The world will certainly be a better place to live in if there ar e no more issues of racism. APPENDIX Rights-Australia: Africans Target of Racism, Harassment by Police by Stephen de Tarczynski (Melbourne, Australia) Monday, April 12, 2010 Inter Press Service The police picked me up, they put me in the back of the car. Then they took me to (locality withheld) and beat (expletive) me, and they left me there, a young person of African background said in a new study into the treatment of youths of African background by Australian police in Melbourne. The Interventions into Policing of Racialised Communities in Melbourne report, released in mid-March, is part of a project into racism here managed by three community legal services in Australia. It found that young African-Australians in the countrys second-largest city are over-policed, that police harassment and violence is either under-reported or inadequately investigated by the relevant oversight bodies, and that police often resort to hostility and aggression when young people assert their rights. Thirty youths, 27 males and 3 females aged 15 to 27, were interviewed for the study. Many had Sudanese or Somali backgrounds. Most of them had been subjected to negative and often violent experiences with Victoria state police officers, including harassment, racist comments and serious assaults. None were identified in the study for fear of potential police retribution. One interviewee reports being racially abused, spat on and slapped around the head by police before being taken to a police station where he was beaten up for about ten minutes. After being released though the stations rear exit, the youth re-entered the building at the front entrance, telling the officer on duty that he wished to make a complaint. According to the youth, the officer then called one of the coppers that were beating me up. Another copper came in and goes to me, If you dont get out of here now, Ill pull you back in. And I left. Tredwell Lukondeh, president of the Sydney-based Federation of African Communities Council (FACC), says that he is not surprised by the reports findings. What is surprising is the degree to which the report highlights the problems. We do have concerns from various community leaders about the issue in question, Lukondeh told IPS. The FACC, which groups African groups from around Australia, is now collating data regarding police treatment of African-Australians to present to both the police force and the state government. But Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Simon Overland argues that police have done much to strengthen relations with different ethnic communities, including the African community. These efforts include community forums, the appointment of more multicultural officers, police-youth camps and joint sports activities. Overland says that tension between police and young immigrants is not a new problem. With every wave of migration weve had problems with youths. If you go back far enough it was the Italian wave, the Greek wave, the Vietnamese wave and what were seeing now is a wave of migration coming out of Africa. And predictably were seeing tensions with youth, Overland told the Australian Broadcasting Commissions local radio in March. While no African nation was among the top 10 source countries of the more than 158,000 people migrating permanently to Australia in the 12 months prior to Jun. 30, 2009 the latest period for which figures are available Australias African community has swelled in recent years. Africans have figured prominently among recent visa recipients under Australias humanitarian programme, which is reserved for refugees and others requiring protection. Nationals of Sudan, Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, Liberia and Sierra Leone were among the top 10 countries of origin for humanitarian visas granted in the 2008-2009 year. Although Lukondeh admits that police have taken positive steps to address issues with African-Australians, he believes that much more can be done. We should establish that corridor of learning about the cultural background of new immigrants. It is very important because, in essence, its that ignorance that enflames these problems, said the FACC president. Any progress made by police efforts to create better relations appears to be undermined by the reports findings as well the revelation of a racist email circulating among Victoria police officers. While Overland has vowed to take action against officers in the wake of the report if there is evidence to support those allegations, up to 100 officers are purported to be under investigation in relation to the email, which local media have reported depicts a man being tortured. The report into police treatment of youth of African backgrounds comes as the furore over allegedly racially motivated attacks on Indians in Australia and Melbourne in particular appears to be fading. It follows Novembers findings by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) a statutory body responsible for media regulation that three popular Melbourne television broadcasters breached the Commercial Television Codes of Practice in 2007 in reports regarding Sudanese refugees in Melbournes south-east. ACMA found that the news reports of channels Ten, Nine and Seven, which focused on racial tensions, gangs and the decision by the government of former Prime Minister John Howard to reduce the intake of African refugees, were inaccurate. Ten and Nine breached the regulatory bodys fair and impartial requirement for news presentations. ACMA considered that both of their segments contained an unfair selection of material, were unfairly juxtaposed and created an unfair presentation, overall, of Sudanese people as being particularly prone to commit violence and crime, said ACMAs statement. Â © Inter Press Service (2010) All Rights ReservedOriginal source: Inter Press Service

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Billy The Kid Essay -- essays research papers

Billy the Kid   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Billy the Kid is one of the most famous outlaws in American history. He has been a widely told figure in American history as well as folklore. The have made movies from his history and have also wrote many books on him. Most of Billy the Kids life remains a heated controversy throughout America.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Billy the Kid was born in New York City on November 23, 1859 to William and Kathleen McCarty Bonney and given the name William H. Bonney (There are other stories of his birth but this one is the most reliable). The first recorded killing committed by Billy the Kid was on August 17, 1877. This is also where he got his nickname “Kid';. The story has it that he got in a fight with a blacksmith in a saloon where the blacksmith slapped him and threw his to the floor. Knowing that he was no match for the much bigger and older blacksmith he drew his gun and shot the blacksmith who died the next day. He was arrested but the escaped and began running from the law, something he did all of his life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Billy the Kid eventually moved to Lincoln County, New Mexico were he began working for J.H. Tunstall. Tunstall was a rich farmland owner who had an ongoing feud with L.G. Murphy and J.J. Dolan over farmland and grazing rights. Billy the Kid looked at Tunstall as a father and would do anything for him. But on February 18, 1878, Tunstall was gunned down by a group of deputies who were und... Billy The Kid Essay -- essays research papers Billy the Kid   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Billy the Kid is one of the most famous outlaws in American history. He has been a widely told figure in American history as well as folklore. The have made movies from his history and have also wrote many books on him. Most of Billy the Kids life remains a heated controversy throughout America.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Billy the Kid was born in New York City on November 23, 1859 to William and Kathleen McCarty Bonney and given the name William H. Bonney (There are other stories of his birth but this one is the most reliable). The first recorded killing committed by Billy the Kid was on August 17, 1877. This is also where he got his nickname “Kid';. The story has it that he got in a fight with a blacksmith in a saloon where the blacksmith slapped him and threw his to the floor. Knowing that he was no match for the much bigger and older blacksmith he drew his gun and shot the blacksmith who died the next day. He was arrested but the escaped and began running from the law, something he did all of his life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Billy the Kid eventually moved to Lincoln County, New Mexico were he began working for J.H. Tunstall. Tunstall was a rich farmland owner who had an ongoing feud with L.G. Murphy and J.J. Dolan over farmland and grazing rights. Billy the Kid looked at Tunstall as a father and would do anything for him. But on February 18, 1878, Tunstall was gunned down by a group of deputies who were und...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Much Ado About Nothing Act 1 Essay

1. In Act I, Beatrice and Benedick engage in a witty conversation, which Leonato describes as a playful battle: â€Å"There is a kind of / merry war betwixt Signor / Benedick and her. They never / meet but there’s a skirmish of wit between them† (1.1.58-59). Beatrice insists that she does not like Benedick at all, and insults him relentlessly throughout Act I: â€Å"It is so indeed. He is no less than a stuffed man. But for the / stuffing—well, we are all mortal† (1.1.47-48). Beatrice even goes so far as to compare Benedick to a disease when she finds out he has taken up a new best friend, Claudio: â€Å"O Lord, he will hang upon him like a disease! He is sooner / caught than the pestilence, and the taker runs presently mad† (1.1.81-83). Although Beatrice seemingly detests Benedick, her statement (claiming that Benedick is an infection that’s easy to catch but hard to get rid of) unknowingly foreshadows her future. Despite her claims, I predi ct that Beatrice will fall in love and the man who will profess his love for her will be none other than Benedick! In fact, it seems that the two characters have not truly been fighting at all, but are actually flirting! Benedick even makes a point to state that Beatrice is the only woman he knows who does not adore him: â€Å"Then is courtesy a turncoat. But it is certain I am loved of / all ladies, only you excepted† (1.1.118-119). It can be said that Beatrice and Benedick share mutual feelings for one another even though they conceal their affection through teasing antics. Since Beatrice made it a priority to ask the messenger about Benedick following the battle and considering that she often weaves his name into conversation, it can be concluded that she in fact loves Benedick. Claudio falls in love with Hero immediately after conversing with her: â€Å"That I love her, I feel† (1.1.218). He claims that he loves Hero, however he cannot bring himself to tell her himself; it is decided that Don Pedro will therefore disguise himself as Claudio at the costume party and profess â€Å"his† love for Hero as Claudio: â€Å"I will assume thy part in some disguise / And tell fair Hero I am Claudio, / And in her bosom I’ll unclasp my heart† (1.1.309-311). Claudio’s sheepishness to inform Hero of his feelings prose’s the question, is his love for her true? If Don Pedro hadn’t agreed to assist Claudio, then he probably wouldn’t have ever confessed his love to Hero! Claudio’s love for Hero is impulsive; he falls in love with her without even knowing her. His  haste to love Hero could certainly cause him to rush into a relationship that he’s not necessarily ready for or possibly lead him to uncertainty if the relationship progresses. 2. Don John is the villain of the play and isn’t afraid to admit it: â€Å"In this, though I cannot be said to be a flattering / honest man, it must not be denied but I am a plain / dealing villain† (1.3.28-30). He only recently got back on â€Å"good terms† with his brother, Don Pedro; however, Don John is actually envious of his brother and abhors him because Don Pedro holds a higher position than he: â€Å"I had rather be a canker in a hedge than a / rose in his grace† (1.3.25-26). Don John is a gloomy character and enjoys causing mischief, especially when it will inflict pain upon his brother and his brother’s right-hand-man, Claudio. He dislikes Claudio because he claims that, â€Å"That young start-up hath all / the glory of my overthrow† (1.3.62-63). Despite being melancholy at the start of Act 1 Scene 3, Don John quickly becomes blissful once he discovers he can cause trouble for his brother and Claudio with the woman Don John believes they intend to pursue: â€Å"Will it serve for any model to build mischief / on? What is he for a fool that betroths himself to / unquietness?† (1.3.43-45) and â€Å"Come, come, let us thither. This may prove food to my / displeasure† (1.3.52-53). Don John is a dark character that seeks revenge for the personal pain he has experienced from Don Pedro and Claudio. His anger may also stem from the fact that he is a â€Å"bastard† because he was most likely treated as an outcast all of his life as an illegitimate son.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Aping Western Culture Essay

This topic might make most of us go back to the good old days of childhood when we used to run around and play in the hot and burning sun without the pressure of the world upon us.Now the entire world(at least the majority) is mesmerized by the non real world of computer games. Part of the reason for this shift is the lack of good grounds and the lack of togetherness that is persisting in today s world. We might play the popular football or cricket game on PC but its no where near to the joy that we get while playing outdoor football or even cricket. I can still remember the days when I used to play cricket in the burning hot sun in my village, sometimes even bare foot. Nothing can match the joy that we get when we flex some muscles while playin these outdoor games. I also remember my school days during which I used to wait for holidays so that i can play cricket, hide and seek,laggoree(A local game in which we throw the ball at stones and regroup all the stones while avoiding getting hit by the ball), lock and key,badminton and many more innovative games. Most of these games used to be played in the streets and they do not require a play ground. At least I used to play them on the streets. I used to leave my house in the morning and come back for lunch and then again go out and return home at night.Playing with many people is surely fun to the core. Just the assembly of so many people was a joy to be in. Only in villages can we get to see groups of children playing outdoor games.Its becoming more and more of a rare scene in the cities.I can see school kids already carrying the burden of t he world on their tender shoulders. There might come a time when games will be restricted to indoor games or even worse only the computer games. There s nothing wrong in playing on the computer as I myself do get hooked on to the computer games but from time to time playing outdoor games relaxes the mind and also its a very good exercise to our body.Even the PET classes in the schools are taken by other subject teachers in most of the schools.Also many of the schools do not even have a playground in their school premises. All this is sad and the future is going to be even more worse.At this point I remember the popular animated series that comes on disney channel â€Å"Recess†. Its focus is mainly on the outdoor games. There is a popular saying that â€Å"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy†, its time we changed it to something like this â€Å"All work and only playing a on computer makes Jack a dull boy†. There are still a lot more things that I could have written but it might get boring so I leave it to the people reading this blog to comment and share their experiences.

Behavioral Anchored Rating Scale Essay

Methods of performance appraisal: Traditional method Traditional method of performance appraisal has been used by companies for very long time. A common feature of these methods is they are all relatively simple and involve appraisal by one senior. 1. Check list method In this method the senior, the boss is given a list of questions about the junior. These questions are followed by check boxes. The superior has to put a tick mark in any one of the boxes. This method can be explained with the following ex. Does the employee have leadership qualities Yes No A questioner containing questions is given to the senior. This method is an extremely simple method and does not involve a lot of time. The same set of questioners can be given foe every employee so that there is uniformity in selecting employee. 2. Confidential report This method is very popular in government departments to appraise IAS officers and other high level officials. In this method the senior or the boss writes a report about the junior giving him details about the performance about the employee. The +ve and – ve traits, responsibilities handled on the job and recommendations for future incentives or promotions. The report is kept highly confidential and access to the report is limited. 3. Critical incident method In this method critical or important incidents which have taken place on this job are noted down along with employee’s behavior and reaction in all these situations. Both +ve and –ve incidents are mentioned. This is followed by an analysis of the person, his abilities and talent, recommendations for the future incentives and promotions. 4. Ranking method In this method ranks are given to employees based on their performance. There are different methods of ranking employees. †¢Simple ranking method †¢Alternate ranking method †¢Paired comparison method Simple ranking method Simple ranking method refers to ranks in serial order from the best employee e.g. If we have to rank 10 best employees we start with the first best employee and give him the first rank this is followed by the 2nd best and so on until all 10 have been given ranks. Alternate ranking In this method the serial alternates between the best and the worst employee. The best employee is given rank 1and then we move to the worst employee and give him rank 10 again to 2nd best employee and give him rank 2 and so on. Paired comparison In this method each and every person is the group, department or team is compared with every other person in the team/group/department. The comparison is made on certain criteria and finally ranks are given. This method is superior because it compares each and every person on certain qualities and provides a ranking on that basis. 5. Graphic rating scale Graphic rating scale refers to using specific factors to appraise people. The entire appraisal is presented in the form of a chart. The chart contains certain columns which indicate qualities which are being appraised and other columns which specify the rank to be given. The senior has to put a tick mark for a particular quality along with the ranking. Such charts are prepared for every employee. According to the department in which they work. Sometimes the qualities which are judged may change depending upon the department. 6. Narrated essay In this method the senior or the boss is supposed to write a narrative essay describing the qualities of his junior. He may describe the employees strength and weakness, analytical abilities etc. the narrative essay ends with a recommendation for future promotion or for future incentives. Modern methods Modern methods of appraisal are being increasingly used by companies. Now days one of the striving feature that appraisal involves is, the opinion of many people about the employee and in some cases psychological test are used to analyze the ability of employee. These methods are as follows 1. Assessment centers Assessment centers are places where the employee’s are assessed on certain qualities talents and skills which they possess. This method is used for selection as well as for appraisal. The people who attend assessment centers are given management games, psychological test, puzzles, questioners about different management related situations etc. based on their performance in these test and games appraisal is done. 2. Management by objective This method was given by Petter Druckard in 1974. It was intended to be a method of group decision making. It can be use for performance appraisal also. In this method all members of the department starting from the lowest level employee to the highest level employee together discus, fix target goals to be achieved, plan for achieving these goals and work together to achieve them. The seniors in the department get an opportunity to observe their junior- group efforts, communication skills, knowledge levels, interest levels etc. based on this appraisal is done. 3. Behavioral anchored rating scale In this method the appraisal is done to test the attitude of the employee towards his job. Normally people with +ve approach or attitude view and perform their job differently as compared to people with a –ve approach. 4. Human resource audit/accounting In this method the expenditure on the employee is compared with the income received due to the efforts of the employee. A comparison is made to find out the utility of the employee to the organization. The appraisal informs the employee about his contribution to the company and what is expected in future. 5. 360* appraisal In this method of appraisal and all round approach is adopted. Feedback about the employee is taken from the employee himself, his superiors, his juniors, his colleagues, customers he deals with, financial institutions and other people he deals with etc. Based on all these observations an appraisal is made and feedback is given. This is one of the most popular methods.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

CORPORATE FINANCE MINICASE 4 Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

CORPORATE FINANCE MINICASE 4 - Scholarship Essay Example 0 1 2 3 | | | | -1 2 FV = $1(1 + i)3 = $2. $1(1 + i)3 = $2. (1 + i)3 = $2/$1 = 2. 1 + i = (2)1/3 1 + i = 1.2599 i = 25.99%. e. What is the difference between an ordinary annuity and an annuity due What type of annuity is shown below How would you change it to the other type of annuity (Ehrhardt & Brigham, 2006) 0 1 2 3 | | | | 100 100 100 An ordinary annuity has payments at the end of the period, while an annuity due date has payments in the beginning of the period. The annuity shown above is an ordinary annuity. To change it, just shift each payment to the left. This way there would be a 100 under 0 but none under 3. 0 1 2 3 | | | | 100 100 100 f. (1) What is the future value of a 3-year ordinary annuity of $100 if the appropriate interest rate is 10% (Ehrhardt & Brigham, 2006)0 1 2 3 | | | | 100 100 100 110 121 $331 FVAn = $100(1) + $100(1.10) + $100(1.10)2 =... k. Suppose on January 1 you deposit $100 in an account that pays a nominal, or quoted, interest rate of 11.33463%, with interest added (compounded) daily. How much will you have in your account on October 1, or after 9 months (Ehrhardt & Brigham, 2006) It is an annuity in the sense that there are constant payments at regular intervals, but the intervals do not correspond with their compounding periods. In situation like these, we calculate the EAR and then treat it as an annuity. (4) An important rule is that you should never show a nominal rate on a time line or use it in calculations unless what condition holds (Hint: Think of annual compounding, when INOM= EFF%= IPER.) What would be wrong with your answer to Questions l-(1) and l-(2) if you used the nominal rate (10%) rather than the periodic rate (INOM/2= 10%/2 = 5%) (Ehrhardt & Brigham, 2006) m. Suppose someone offered to sell you a note calling for the payment of $1,000 fifteen months from today. They offer to sell it to you for $850. You have $850 in a bank time deposit that pays a 6.76649% nominal rate with daily compounding, which is a 7% effective annual interest rate, and you plan to leave the money in the bank unless you buy the note.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Parenting Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Parenting Education - Essay Example They must be told at the initial phase of their lives that a little mischief is always permissible but doing this in an all-out manner is not a very acceptable thing. This paper takes a keen look at the critical standpoint of the relationships that exist within the parents and the kids’ spheres. It also studies the basis of the parents being at the helm of complete control and exerting their influence in nearly all the kids’ activities and undertakings. One sees this relationship between the parents and the kids in such a way that allows for their positive association with one another. However it is when the kids stop realizing that they are answerable to their parents that the whole problem creeps into the related domains. This is one of the most important aspects that one should understand before delving deep into the study basis of associations between the parents and their kids. The parents are unaware of the new ways and means through which their kids are bent upon deceiving them (Levine 2007). They are also unknowing the realms that their kids are outsmarting them in terms of technological prowess and related technical details that they are learning by the day. The ignorance therefore is very detrimental towards the cause of raising kids on a solid footing, as the repercussions are immensely hazardous for the parents as well as their kids. The parents might not live long enough to see their kids getting to good ages but what they can do is to inculcate a sense of sound.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Final english Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Final english - Essay Example More importantly, governments are also providing incentives and tax waives to people who buy hybrid cars in order to encourage the manufacturers in their efforts to manufacture energy efficient automobile engines. Different automobile engines have evolved with time. However, the most common are the 4 cylinder inline engine, v6, v8, and hybrid engines. This paper discusses the different automobile engines whilst comparing their technology, efficiency, environmental friendliness, and the challenges faced while developing engines that are more efficient. Additionally, the paper will discuss the advantages of hybrid cars with much reference to Toyota Prius. 4 Cylinder (V4) Inline Engines Perhaps 4 cylinder inline engines are the most commonly used engines today. However, the technology for this type of engine has revolutionized for decades. Many improvements have been made on the engines to make them efficient, more powerful, and compact and environmental friendly. Technologically, the 4 cylinder inline engine has all the four cylinders arranged in a straight line with all the four pistons being used to drive a common crankshaft. In most cars, the piston displacement goes up to 2.4 liters. However, diesel powered 4 cylinder inline engines have most often gone beyond 3.0 liters displacement. Notably, a series of modifications have been made on this type of engine. Whereas most of earlier versions used carburetor, modern cars use complicated electrical systems such as the VVTi systems (â€Å"U.S department of Energy†). Indeed, most modern cars produced in the last ten years have a computerized system otherwise referred to as engine management systems for controlling fuel and air into the engine. Considering the widespread use of4 cylinder inline engines, it is safe to conclude that these are the most efficient automobile engines so far especially considering the widespread use of gasoline and diesel as the propellant (â€Å"U.S department of Energy†). V 6 Engines V6 engines are indeed the second most commonly used engines in automobiles. The v6 engine comprises of 6 cylinders with 6 pistons driving a common crankshaft. However, the 6 cylinders are not often placed in one straight line. Actually, three cylinders are put on either side making a v shape with the crankshaft. Most of these engines are either configured at 60 degrees or 90 degrees. However, the 60 degree orientation is arguably the most efficient and provides less engine vibration as well. However, it is important to note that most v6 engines are most commonly used in medium sized cars especially most of the lower end sports utility vehicles (SUVs). However, in line with the need for energy conservation, v6 engines have undergone tremendous improvements. For instance, the inline 6cylinder engines are no longer being manufactured. The piston angle has also been factored in many model manufacturing. For instance, some of the modern cars using v6 engines are either turbocha rged or use super chargers to improve fuel efficiency and produce more torque. Simply put, turbo chargers are systems that compress and sometimes preheat air and force it into combustion chambers at high pressure hence generating more energy (â€Å"U.S department of Energy†). V8 engines V8 engines have eight cylinders with four cylinders on each side. All the eight cylinders drive the same

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Communication Barriers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Communication Barriers - Research Paper Example   Communication is a very important skill since it plays a decisive role in determining people’s tendency to be productive in the workplace, neighborhoods, classrooms, and all kinds of settings. The communication skills of an individual affect his/her own as well as the organization’s effectiveness as a whole (Brun, 2010; Summers, 2010). Although many people can communicate enough to convey their meaning and perceive others’, not many people are able to communicate effectively. Lack of effective communication is one of the most fundamental factors that inhibit the effectiveness of an organization (Lutgen-Sandvik, 2010). The process of communication involves encoding and sending of the messages by the senders and decoding of the messages by the receivers (Lunenburg, 2010, p. 2; Ergen, 2010, p. 2). Interferences in the process of communication reduce the effectiveness of communication and may even distort the process altogether. ... ess of communication, it is imperative that senders and receivers develop the skills to handle the different kinds of barriers that distort the process of communication (Lehman and DuFrene, 2008). Barriers experienced in the process of communication are of different types that include but are not limited to verbal, nonverbal, external, and internal. Types of communication barriers Verbal barriers Verbal barriers in communication are caused because of inadequate vocabulary or lack of knowledge of the other person’s language (Ergen, 2010). Verbal barriers in communication are typically experienced in culturally diverse workplaces where workers belonging to different cultures and having proficiency in different languages have to interact with one another in a standard language according to the policy of the organization. Even if the vocabulary is enough to carry out the conversation, the differences of dialects and speed of speech pose difficulties in achieving effectiveness in c ommunication. For example, Indians’ way of speaking English is significantly different from that of African Americans’. Even within the native population of America, a range of regional dialects of English prevails. Differences in perception are also characterized as verbal barriers in communication. Differences in perception are influenced by socioeconomic background, educational background, age, experiences, and culture. People from different age groups have different levels of maturity that cause them to voice different opinions that can often be conflicting with one another’s. Differences in socioeconomic status and educational status pave way for the development of inferiority or superiority complexes among the interacting partners that reduce the effectiveness of communication.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Project Initiation Document 'PID' Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Project Initiation Document 'PID' - Assignment Example With other regions offering international higher education courses such as Canada, US, and China; the demand for UK higher education has declined (Universities UK, 2014). In this case, the project aims to accomplish the following objectives: Three areas provide the rationale for this project. Firstly, the UK higher education sector has suffered significant drop of 49% in enrolling international students. Secondly, sectors such as U.S., Canada, and China have increased demand as UK system continues to drop. Third, following political stability and economic improvements, a higher number of Saudi students is seeking higher education institutions to study in. The decrease in the number of international students studying in the UK from the year 2012 to 2014 has impacted various areas of the education system. It is considered that higher education adds significant contribution to the national GDP and also invited diversity. However, following the decrease in students, it is difficult to sustain the system. This project aims at providing a platform that would enable UK universities to recruit Saudi Arabian students in an effort to regulate the drop and sustain full capacity tutoring. The increase in the number of international students taking courses in the U.S., Canada, and China can be attributed to the drop of international students in the UK. Thus, this project aims at targeting Saudi Arabian students in order to prevent the UK education system from collapsing (Universities UK, 2014). The project serves the purpose of inviting Saudi Arabian students to fill the gap that has recently been experienced through international students’ demand for higher education in other sectors. Finally, Saudi Arabia is a Middle East nation that depends on oil. A stable political environment and wealth generation has spawned a generation that requires higher education to manage businesses. Due to increased demand, the project targets Saudi Arabian students who have recently

Friday, October 4, 2019

Date Rape Essay Example for Free

Date Rape Essay Introduction Popular views on commital of rape are confined on the idea that a stranger, the supposed perpetrator settles on a secluded or dark area and forcibly attacking someone, before inflicting sexual contact. While this may appear to be true, it is now a basic reality that rapists aren’t just strangers. Even people we know: friends, acquaintances, relatives and co-workers are possible suspects. In fact, about half of the victims of rape know their perpetrators. Incidences of commital of the crime seemed to be alarmingly high as it comprised fifty to seventy-five percent of all accounted rape cases. But even these data do not speak of the actual figures. The University of Buffalo’s Student Affairs cited a conservative FBI statistics which provided that only three and a half percent of all forms of rape are reported. By examining and analyzing available results, this paper tries to answer questions surrounding date rape, which as follows: a) What is date rape?, b) How did it evolve?, c) What are its causes?, d) What are the risks factors?, and e) What are the necessary interventions? Anwering these questions would enable us to provide the necessary information regarding date rape. Definition and history of date rape Of the cases reported, majority of it appears that the perpetrator is a victims’s acquaintance. While it is assumed that most of this acquaintances, ranging from friends and acquaintances to dates, romantic partners, and spouses or domestic partners do not necessarily end up in violence, in certain instances and causes, rape happens. For this study, when forced sexual intercourcourse takes place between two acquaintances, it is called date rape or acquaintance rape (Homeier, et al., 2006). Date rape, on an initial public sense, is defined to be a subset of acquaintance rape where two people involved in a romantic relationship engage in nonconsensual sex. But in the case of acquaintance rape, relationship (romantic or professional) has no bearing of the situation; hence, it can be described as plain and pure sexual assault or unwanted sexual contact. The law refers sexual assault to include the commital of rape (oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse) or the force penetration of any foreign objects in the genitalia (dildo, vibrator, including finger) without consent from the victim. Meanwhile, one of the early advocacy movements on date rape in the US was pioneered way back in the 70’s in Delaware. The realization of an organization called Support Group for Victims of Sexual Offense (S.O.S.) founded by then Director of the Health Service Dr. Majorie McKusick was a driving force behind the idea to provide services to survivors of sexual assault. In 1988, SOS produced a brochure dedicated to date rape. At present, bearing a new name, the organization is continuing its efforts to raise awareness on date rape. III. Hypothesis But as to why many people fall on the verge of date rape and as to why individuals commit this crime, remains a broad subject open for discussion. Basing on facts and scientific studies though, leading experts and institutions underwent a series of researches about the topic, some of which have produced fair but contradicting results.   Given the extensive scope of this issue, this paper assumes that risk factors: perceived dating behaviors, external factors (drugs, alcohol), and attitudes of supposed victims and perpetrators constitute likelihood of dating violence and rape. Gravity of the crime Meanwhile, depending on the gravity of the case, non-penetration actions such as touching the private parts of the victim (e.g. buttocks, breasts, genitalia), naked or through clothing constitute an assault but not necessarily rape, albeit, these are detterent to the rape itself. Forcing another individual to touch another person’s private parts even against his/her will also constitute the same.   On the otherhand, the infliction of physical hostility, threats of aggression, or perform sexual contact with an unconscious, asleep, or intoxicated individual describe the force or advantage. Coercion, without the aid of force or hostility is also used such as grave threats, reaveling secrets, put the victim to shame, sack an employee or fail a student are forms of sexual harassment. The Crime scene Actions pertaining to date rapes are reported in strategic areas or venues, depending on the status and preferences of the supposed victim. As the name suggests, the crime usually pointed to locations related to the place of the date or meeting. The assault usually happens in secluded, dark, and private or even public and busy places (e.g. hotels, garden, beach, comfort rooms, cars or club houses). Some cases were reportedly committed in bushy, dark areas away from the human settlements. In the case of college students, date related violence was recorded within the university premises. This is proof to the fact that even the school is not even safe nowadays, more so, it has become a favorite venue for this crime. Commission of rape happens usually in a predictable and definite instance. This can be observed if the prospect is conscious of what is happening around him/her. But in most cases, the motives are already predisposed; hence, timing is of great consideration for the suspects to pursue with the aided or unaided sexual assault and for victims to escape the trap. Even in a promenade or a fair, where people are busy, perpetrators find a leeway to commit rape if not harassment. The targets While many people often think that rape only happens typically to women, this is not always the case. Even men also have experiences of sexual assault. Some even lead to rape, although it occurs frequently within heterosexual dating relationships. This scenario showed that date rape transcends gender, as in the case of people of every ethnicity, age, culture, religion, economic background, or sexual orientation. Just like the opposite sex sexual assault, the majority of same-sex cases occur between people who have close relationships. However, perpetrators as well as the survivors are not always gay or lesbian. Moreover, sexual assault can also be part of a bias crime against someone perceived to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered the perpetrator in this instance can be either the same or opposite sex as the survivor. Although girls and women are the most often victims of rape one in three women will be sexually assaulted in her life, men is also vulnerable to be raped. A study revealed that seven to ten percent of rape victims are male. Meanwhile, teenagers and young adults are four times more likely to be sexually assaulted than women in all other age groups. A USF-Counseling Center for Human Development report showed: that 52% of women students have experienced some form of sexual victimization, 1 in 8 college women have been raped; 1 in 12 college men admitted to sexually abusing women but did not consider themselves rapists; of the women raped, almost 75% didnt identify it as such; 47% of rapes were by first or casual dates or by romantic acquaintances; and over 1/3 of the women didnt discuss the rape with anyone, and over 90% didnt report it to the police. Moreover, in a 1998 Minnesota Student Survey, approximately 9% of girls and 6% of boys had experienced date violence or rape. On the other hand, lifetime prevalence of date or acquaintance rape ranges from thirteen percent to twenty seven percent among college-age women and 20% to a high of 68% among adolescents. VII. Causes and Tendencies As to the cause of becoming a victim and becoming a rapist, an array of results from researches in the last decade revealed that behavior, perception, and external factors confronts both the victim and the perpetrator. On a study conducted on perceived causes of date rape, 142 undergraduates were presented with grids containing 9 causes listed by column and row. They were asked to indicate if they believed there was a causal link between each of the 72 causal pairings. The result placed emphasis on drunkenness, norms of dating, and societys attitude to date rape. Misunderstanding of men’s behavior, male attitude on the unimportance of date rape, and need by males for dominance were seen as prime causes (Bostwick DeLucia, 1992). Demographic characteristics that increase vulnerability to date rape include younger age at first date, early sexual activity, earlier age of menarche, history of sexual abuse or prior sexual victimization, and being more acceptable of rape myths and violence towards women.   Ackard Neumark-Sztainer (2002) on the other hand associated date rape with the higher rates of eating disorder behaviors and suicidal tendencies, and lower scores on emotional well-being and self-esteem scales.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Teenage girls intentionally hurt by a date in the previous date are more likely to experience sexual health risks, including vulnerability to human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV) and other sexually transmitted infections, or getting pregnant. Dating violence should also be included in reproductive health programs, and greater efforts to identify women experiencing violence while on date are needed among those providing care related to adolescent reproductive health (Silverman, 2004). Other risk factors include date-specific behaviors such as who paid the expenses, who drove, date, location and activity, as well as the use of alcohol or take drugs such as flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) (Rickert Wiemann, 1998). A benzodiazepine with pharmacologic actions is similar to those of diazepam that can cause anterograde amnesia. Some reports showed that it is used as a date rape drug and suggest that it may cause violent behavior. The US government has already banned the importation of this drug which was introduced in 1984. Alcohol consumption that occurs within the context of the date can lead to: the misinterpretation of friendly gestures or cues as sexual invitations and the females inability to ward off a potential attack. Kanin (1985) proposed that perpetrators’ deviant sexual behavior has often been portrayed as the result of frustrated but legitimate sexual exhaustion. This study of the perpetrators reveals that as a product of a hypersexual socialization process, these men are sexually active, aspiring, and successful. Due to an exaggerated desire levels viewed as responsible for instituting a high degree of sexual disappointment, this acute relative deficit is a significant process reponsible for the rape episodes. VIII. Interventions   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dating violence happens among teemagers which bears common and unique risk factors for dating violence found across adolescents grouped by sex, race/ethnicity, and prior victimization. Rickert, et. al., (2002) described that efforts to lessen dating violence should (1) increase the use of screening tools that measure victimization as well as contextual parameters that will promote promote dating violence; (2) increase self-efficacy to promote safer sex; (3) reduce the use/abuse of alcohol and other drugs that facilitate dating violence; and (4) eliminate the influence of negative peer behavior. Interventions to prevent dating violence will likely also lower unwanted pregnancy rates, HIV-AIDS, and sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s)among young people.. Old town beliefs of a woman being unable to rape another woman and a man with another man these make survivors hard to find someone to talk to, avail services, or even believe themselves that they were raped. Survivors of assault by a same-sex partner or date may face various fears such as homophobia and heterosexist attitudes when disclosing the sexual ordeal or receive medical or psychologicalinterventions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Van Wie’s 1995 study on resistance to rape showed that participants in the category with perceived resistance conditions took a longer time to identify when the subject should abstain from pursuing sexual contact, thereby exposing them more to be raped.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Results of this study could be used to promote level of awareness on date rape, educate people about the risks and responses with date rape, and to strengthen rules regarding proper sexual behavior. Conclusion   Research designs and materials are needed to advance our our knowledge and understanding of sexual violence among teenagers and the most effective ways to eliminate it. Understanding and comparing research findings would be easier if consensus regarding the definitions of date rape, sexual aggression, and sexual assault was obtained. Finally, prevention programs on primary and secondary date and acquaintance rape must be enhanced and be subjected to systematic evaluation (Rickert Wiemann, 1998) Almost sixty percent of victims who experienced rape and attempted rape disclosed this information to one or more individuals, whereas only 47% of those who experienced verbally coerced sex told another person. Rickert, et. al., (2005) observed that alcohol addiction and a shorter dating history are important variables related with disclosure of rape/attempted rape as well as the time for disclosure. Meanwhile, factors affecting the disclosure of verbally coerced sex and the latency associated with it are less well defined A present survey based on 70% returns of a random sample of 200 women at one college indicated that, although 5% had been date raped, none reported the rapes to authorities due to feelings of self-blame and embarrassment. Rape scenarios that were not reported could perpetuate a self-fulfilling prophecy that rapes do not occur. A victim of rape may feel she is the only one against the world and is reluctant to exclude one’s self who will report. However, this denial by both victims and authorities does not encourage programs for prevention and treatment (Finkelson Oswalt, 1995). Increasing identification of the incidence of date/acquaintance rape (DAR) in the US, especially among women in college, has led to an understanding that the techniques needed to ward off attacks from acquaintances differ from the techniques used to prevent rape by strangers. This study proved and validated the following DAR constructs: perceived vulnerability, self-efficacy, relational priority which is neglecting self-interest to save a relationship, rape myth acceptance (believing myths about rape which makes women avoid facing their own vulnerability), and commitment to self-defense. These constructs were also correlated with scales for masculinity, self-esteem, and degree of belief in a just world. Finally, date and acquaintance rape is not only a womans issue. Men must also be actively aware of this issue, as they can help minimize rape by educating themselves and others. â€Å"Healthy relationships involve respect including respect for the feelings of others. Someone who really cares about you will respect your wishes and not force or pressure you to have sex.†          References:    Finkelson, L., Oswalt, R. (1995). College date rape: incidence and reporting. Psychol Rep, 77(2), 526. Kanin, E. J. (1985). Date rapists: differential sexual socialization and relative deprivation. Arch Sex Behav, 14(3), 219-231. Rickert, V. I., Wiemann, C. M., Vaughan, R. D. (2005). Disclosure of date/acquaintance rape: who reports and when. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol, 18(1), 17-24. Silverman, J. G., Raj, A., Clements, K. (2004). Dating violence and associated sexual risk and pregnancy among adolescent girls in the United States. Pediatrics, 114(2), e220-225. Walsh, J. F., Devellis, B. M., Devellis, R. F. (1997). Date and acquaintance rape. Development and validation of a set of scales. Violence Against Women, 3(1), 46-58.